Daniel Mckinley

Daniel Mckinley


Born and raised in Detroit, Michigan.
I have always been surrounded by creative people,my mother,being a musician, and my father, an artist.
Being an artist has given me the chance to travel,and to show my work through out the world.
I am currently living and working in New York.

Artist Statement

Thought Process: My Approach
When things are not going as planned
When there is no such thing as an easy way
When you have no clue of what needs to be done
I improvise
It is never completely figured out
All that I have is a general idea
the painting takes a life of its own.
I am addicted to the process
Searching ,building,creating something new.

What prompted you to become an artist?

To explore the unknown.

Close your eyes and imagine

Open your mind and ask yourself what if?

I chose art as a means to escape

What type of artist do you ultimately see yourself?

I would like to be someone who prompts the viewer into looking beyond.

I would like the viewer to question what they think they are seeing.

What are you hoping to communicate to the viewer?

I would like to encourage the viewer to make up their own narrative to my work.

I would like them to come to their own conclusions.

Explain the process of creating your work?

Inspiration begins with the building of the canvas. I try not to overthink or feel intimidated looking at the emptiness.

...And then it begins with a simple drawing.

Slowly a plan begins to form.

What is my favourite part of the process?

The push and pull. The struggle of putting it all together. Sitting back trying to remember, because when the painting is finished,

I find myself forgetting how it all began.

Current projects and inspiration?

To escape is my inspiration.

To discover a new world

Through imagination.

Website: danielmckinleypaintings.com

Instagram: www.instagram.com/mcdandude/

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