Jory Mason

Jory Mason


Jory is an accomplished art director / graphic designer who is now focusing on her first love, painting. She is enthusiastic about teaching art and giving demonstrations. Jory is an award winning artist exhibiting in Boston, New York, North Carolina, and New Mexico. Her work has been showcased in “Strokes of Genius 8: Exploring Texture!” by North Light Books. She attended L’Instituto D’Arte in Italy where she had her first solo exhibition. It was completely sold out. She later studied at New England School of Art and Mass College of Art. Jory teaches painting and is an experienced juror of awards. Her work has been showcased in the “ART Tour International 2019 Winter Issue, Editors’ Picks” and in “Strokes of Genius 8: Exploring Texture!” by North Light Books. She has recently attained “Master Pastel Painter” status with the International Association of Pastel Societies and will be leading her first painting workshop in Tuscany this October.

Artist Statement

Creating original artwork has been a lifelong passion and a personal refuge. Painting gives me the opportunity to fully explore my feelings at the moment. Do I want to be bold or subtle?
Colorful or muted? I have the freedom to go any direction, and discard the rules that I have studied
and obeyed for so many years. I fully immerse myself in the process of developing that one individual work of art. By keeping my eyes and heart really open, inspiration and beauty is often right in front of me.

What first prompted you to think of becoming an artist?

My grandfather illustrated 39 volumes of the Wizard of OZ, and both of my parents were artists, so I never considered anything else.

What kind of an artist do you ultimately see yourself?

I am now reaching my goal of teaching art and leading painting workshops. My big goal was to lead group in Italy, and that is happening this fall.

What are you hoping to communicate to the viewer through your work?

Joy and appreciation of the brilliance in nature and everyday things.

Can you explain the process of creating your work?

I usually plan out my paintings. I take time establishing the best composition before I start. Then I select a color palate that communicates my intention. It is important to me that the drawing is accurate. After all of that planning, I can then work expressively and boldly and really enjoy making colorful strokes and marks.

What is your favourite part of the creative process?

The last 5%. That is when I slow down and selectively add sizzle.

Can you give us an insight into current projects and inspiration, or what we can look forward to from you in the near future?

I am currently working on a series of animals for an exhibition at the Roger Williams Zoo.


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