Kenan K.

Kenan K.

Short Bio 

I was born on August 11, 1956, in Çorum, Turkey and started oil painting in June 2006. I worked in Hızır Teppeev's atelier in Ankara, Turkey for two years during the weekends. Now I work as a freelance artist in an old 1926 house in Edremit- Balikesir, Turkey that was restored as an atelier in September 2010.  


It seems that Life is an illusion to be fulfilled as joy and/or pain in line with an individual's purpose in the World. Then, Art, as a higher level of illusion, should be able to advance or increase the degree of consciousness for all. By doing so, it becomes more meaningful- not only for what it is but for what it serves. Besides our awareness of being a lucky generation, we also have the opportunity to more deeply experience and comprehend the quantum era. This will be reflected in art, and art will hopefully contribute more to a better World and Universe. In terms of motivation, ''Constructive Freedom'' is the essence of my works for energy transfer, since I believe that destruction, by all means, is one of the biggest issues to be tackled in today’s world.  In terms of technique, I try to explore my inner world for the harmony of means and ends, using experimentation through the door of intuition… Each and every one of the works has a unique way of contact with the Receiver, being in the same vibrational existence Ocean.  Please let them speak silently and be ready to explore their adventurous music...    

What first prompted you to think of becoming an artist?

I was looking for a hobby after retirement. In June 2006, at a family dinner, Jülide (Watercolour artist-family friend) told me that:

- " Kenan, you were looking for a hobby. There is a magnificent artist (Hızır Teppeev) in Ankara/Turkey, giving painting lessons in his atelier. Let's arrange to meet him!". 

Instantly, I had objected to this:

- "The last painting I did, was at the secondary school (forty years ago), and the instructor then did not like what I had done." 

She insisted on it, and we went to Hızır the following weekend.

I have repeated my limited capacity for painting to Hızır. He said:

- " You are not spoiled. You are like a blank or white sheet which is good for You!" The adventurous tracking in the art had started there.

Then, I did neither know that Life may have had an 'open-ended game plan' for you, mostly bringing the good and proceeding with your own decisions; nor, when You sometimes walk with your heart instead of your brain, it might open different lovely gates of surprises.

What kind of an artist do you ultimately see yourself?

I am "Respectful" to the people and Nature in general, particularly to the other artists, and overall grateful to all for learning from them. Generally speaking, we may say "natural" and "creative" within awareness and consciousness.

What are you hoping to communicate to the viewer through your work?

Since artworks have their paths while coming to fruition, to my understanding, they become separate and independent entities when completed or finished. I believe that communication happens between the viewer and the outcome; based on energy interaction and the variety of people. My part is to transfer the energy via myself to the surface, in the axis of "Constructive Freedom" for a better future. The exchange, communication between the viewer and the work belongs to them. Allowing the pieces to express themselves may be desirable. They all have a unique way of contact with the Viewer/Receiver, as being in the same ocean of a vibrational existence. The more you get into them, the more they will communicate. I hope the viewers let them speak silently and explore their adventurous music.

Can you explain the process of creating your work?

Your mood, feelings, thoughts, soul, and even your karma come back to work with an inevitable end in the process. Interlinked and multiple phases come to process in a multi-layered and flexible way. The inner voice is generally constructive throughout the whole process for me.

– Articulation: Until the time comes, I articulate ideas, info, materials, mediums (that attract attention) and energy without knowing how to use them.

– Arrangement: When the internal trigger activates the start, I arrange the articulated materials and select a surface, tubes/boxes of colours, whatever pulls the inner attention.

– Start to work: Not always, but mostly, the inner voice starts communication, even sometimes for the details if the channel/channels are open. For instance, if you are dripping, it says drip it from left to right! Sponge it! Now take the canvas to the upright position, allow them to flow, use bright red, light grey, etc. The process goes on and on until its completion. 

-Finish: Perhaps finishing/completion is as substantial as the creation process, if not more important.

Anyhow, every work has its path, and to me, there is no ready recipe or a fixed sequence of order for all. 

Provided that; the mastery of techniques is essential for reflecting the above within aesthetics.

What is your favourite part of the creative process?

I like to start working ("playing" like a child but taking it seriously) within a sense of "trans" per se. I should also admit that sometimes this phase may become painful. 

If it went smooth, I like the most, to watch it alone for some time with a cup of tea or coffee, like communicating with a newborn baby in vibrations of hearts with all the uncertainties of its future.

Can you give us an insight into current projects and inspiration, or what we can look forward to from you in the near future?

I started the "Orukk" project last year. (April 2020) Orukk is an imaginative journey in mythological approach to peaceful and prosperous Lillies World, escorted by a lonely and skittish urchin; dedicated to ordinary people. ( This project is a lifetime one, and it goes where it would go. There is no general planning or programming, but we try to proceed with the project together on an uncertain path by developing each other. The project gives me the sense of a slight drop in the ocean; it may be a weak light of a distant star or leaving the food in your pack at the top of a mountain without knowing who will need or use it, preferably without being known who left.

Websites: and
Instagram @kenank_art

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