Valentina  Andrees

Valentina Andrees


Valentina Andrees grew up in Ukraine. Today she lives and works in Hamburg. In the early stages of her life, she discovered a new world of colors and shapes that enabled her to express emotions on a canvas. She primarily composes portraits of women and animals - with expressive intensity and technical clarity. The visualized composition of light and color gives the portraits a dramatic flair. Her work inspires the viewer not only with expressive intensity and technical clarity, but also with a lot of feeling. The protagonists of the works draw their viewers under their spell, especially with their expressive eyes.

Artist Statement

My goal is to express my feelings in style and color and to bring the viewer into a world of emotions.

What first prompted you to think of becoming an artist?

I have enjoyed painting since I was a child. I have always painted portraits of women and animals with great enthusiasm and lots of emotion. And it was always clear to me that art is my life.

What kind of an artist do you ultimately see yourself?

I see in myself an artist who brings people into one world full of emotions, into another world. I am always happy when I don't have to explain my art and the viewer sees it for himself.

What are you hoping to communicate to the viewer through your work?

I want to show the beauty of nature, animals and people again through my artworks. I like to paint wild animals and animals that depend on the help of people.

Can you explain the process of creating your work?

First of all I like to look at people, animals, their behavior and the environment, their strengths and weaknesses. From this my ideas develop and then the first sketches are created, which can change or be newly adapted in the course of the work.

What is your favorite part of the creative process?

I love it when my creative work is almost finished and I can see the first results.

Can you give us an insight into current projects and inspiration, or what we can look forward to from you in the near future?

At the moment I am painting combinations between humans and animals. I am very enthusiastic when there is harmony in a artwork and I can show it to the viewer through my artwork.



Facebook: Valentina Andrees

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