Chaitali V Purushothaman

Chaitali V Purushothaman


CHAITALI. V. PURUSHOTHAMAN is a Versatile Professional 9-Time International Award-Winning Spiritual High Vibrational Vastu Painter who creates meaningful positive paintings, also called as Energizers with strong Visuals that not only adds to the beauty of a home but also balances its aesthetics and shifts the Energy of the Space. She paints with total awareness of the impact of her own Aura Energy on the paintings- Energizers and also uses her Intuition to create visuals which have helped in raising vibrations of home and work spaces all over the world. She also provides consultation as a Vedic Astrologer, Vastu Consultant – Energy shifter and a Spiritual Healer and works with ENERGY in all her Areas of profession with the Awareness of the Ultimate Truth that We are all Energy and we constantly Absorb and emit Energy with or without our Awareness. All her Areas of work are interconnected and the ultimate goal being shifting Energy by adding Positivity and Mental Strength in the space and Aura of the Human so that they can strive in their lives towards their desired goals, be it success in work or personal growth. Apart from this she has also channelized Creative Energy as an Illustrator and designing Digital Art- energizers and Cover Pages.

She has won many Awards at the International as well as National level. She has been Recognized as one of the Best Spiritual Painters in the World, Best Cubist, Best Surrealist, Best fantasy Painters, Best Expressionist Painters in the World juried by the Top 25 galleries of U.S.A. She has clientele based all over the world thus providing customized paintings -Energizers for family homes and offices in places like Seattle, Portland, New Jersey, Atlanta, Mumbai and is also associated with Art Curators, Interior designers, Decorators and Child Educators for empowering children and their Protecting their tender Aura.

The Powerful Images- Energizers are created by using sacred time energy of the Brahma Muhurta period- the most powerful time zone between 3.30 am and 5.50 am to absorb the purest energies of the universe making the art highly positive, enriching and protecting every home/work space, thus emitting energy of abundance, health, wealth, peace, success and most importantly also acting as a shield to protect family, business and children who have a tender aura from the unconscious energy of evil’s eye.

Special – customised, also known as Higher Self paintings – Personal Energizers are created with the help of an individual’s numerology and by understanding the astrology chart along with Spiritual portals 1111 for Alignment, 222 for Manifestation, Lion’s gate portal and other portals too that help in attracting and manifesting one’s desires and also gives mental and emotional strength to handle everything so that one can go through the journey of life in a smooth manner. The Energy emitted by these Paintings Absorb collective Negative Energy which is floating around in the environment and help in shifting Energy. They also radiate feeling of peace, instill grounding, add focus for everyone – specially children and Act as a healing – soothing medium too.

Deep knowledge on frequency and energy of Colour therapy, undergoing intense training of purifying her own energies through Shambhavi Mahamudra Kriya and Bhavaspandana, along with many years of experience & deep insight into Art & Spirituality has helped her understand the Impact of Energizers- Positive Art on Families and Businesses as well as personal human Aura. It is no secret and now also proven by science that every object or visual emits certain vibrations affecting or impacting the minds of the people and surroundings.
These paintings/ Energizers are instilled in rich emotional values, possess energy of Peace, success, protection, luck, enhancing ambition and can be passed from generation to generation as a token of mental strength and purest love- the highest vibrating frequency on earth as they are not replaceable.

Country India

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