Irina Howard

Irina Howard

Artist Statement

“Patterns of Life” is a black-and-white collection of paintings and sculptures communicating life experiences and human values. The choices we make in life shape our identity and motivate our future behavior. By illustrating both positive and negative outcomes, I encourage the viewer to believe in themselves, never give up, have hope and peace, look for a positive change, and enjoy the beauty surrounding them.

I draw inspiration from organic texture and compose my themes by giving physical form to a conceptual idea, bridging reality and imagination in the form of artistic beauty and revitalizing energy. My fascination with forms and textures takes me on a journey to reveal and interpret their meaning, unique purpose, and beauty in connection to human experiences. The creative use of symbols illustrates visual metaphors and offers insight into an idea or a concept from a different perspective.

My processes combine research, thoughtful, conscious decisions, and spontaneous, intuitive solutions while creating compositions. I realized that abstract style is my best form of artistic expression. It opens doors for curiosity, imagination, interpretation, and the flow of inner emotions. The development stage is very exciting. Lines - help me to create feelings; shapes and forms - to reflect emotions, thoughts, and perception; texture - to reveal experiences; color tones - to add contrast and reinforce the message through design and composition.

My favorite elements are circles and curved lines. I found them simple but, at the same time, very compelling. The circle is a line that never stops, represents "completeness," and gives a sense of protection, friendship, femineity, community, and perfection. It naturally communicates positive emotions and builds a strong visual identity. In my work, circles often symbolize hope.

My favorite medium is oil paint because it provides an expressive ability and flexibility to create and achieve extraordinary results. For sculpture, I enjoy working with clay. I also use sculpted metal wires, mesh wire, modeling compounds, and other materials to explore different textures.

My body of work expresses personal experiences, thoughts, spirituality, feelings, and philosophy in life. I believe in an awakened mind and a soul's purpose. Therefore, I always strive to inspire hope and encourage positivity.

Country USA


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