Sara Twomey

Sara Twomey

Artist Statement

Abstract painting is somehow encoded in the surface material of the Paint. I am reducing information in order to say what I want to express. I paint over and over building up the surface in the pursuit of finding out something new, a discovery becomes the starting point of the next painting. Abstraction enables me to breakdown information and empty out narrative, to find structure and memory a silence or a peacefulness, its then that I start to find my own language in painting.
The Black paint is teaching me all about light, it is a great spacious colour too almost like a void. Now with the Gold paintings the surface never sits still, always changing in brightness as it reacts to light. The paintings are never static as they are interacting with patterns and symbols on the surface of the paint. As the series develops the shapes are too, I started with two dimensions, now I am painting three dimensions and I feel there other dimensions to explore! The pushing and pulling of the light forwards and backwards causes structure to appear and disappear. The viewer has the desire to fix the now into an organised pattern, but the light shifts constantly expressing the inevitability of change.

Country England


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