Ursa Schoepper

Ursa Schoepper


Ursa Schoepper first completed her studies in Natural Science with state examination. In addition she completed a study in cultural management,
state examinaten, with a concentration in fine arts, new media at Prof. Dr.Eckart Pankoke, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Krempel, Prof Dr. Michael Bockemühl.

In her Agency Virtuelle Denkraeume she designed and implemented many projects for cultural educational institutions. In 2001 she was awarded the Media Promotion Prize of the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia for „Das Museum der abwesenden Bilder“.

Since 2003 Ursa Schöpper has been working primarily as a photographic artist. Her artwork has been exhibited internationally and she is the recipient of notable awards. Her artworks are in interesting collections, for example in the Museo Civico Giovanni Fattori ex Granai de Villa Mimbelli and Fortezza Vecchia, Livorno, or the Helmholtz Zentrum für Materialien und Energie Berlin, Berlin - Wannsee und Berlin Adlershof. Ursa Schoepper lives and works in the Rhineland near Bonn.

At the beginning of my artistic career I examined the texture and the resulting possibilities of a digital photography and searched for the ideal of the formula of its inner order, an inner order that holds everything together, that describes an ideal whole. In the meantime, I am mainly concerned with the principles of order of various types of landscape, including both color landscapes, taken from nature also urban landscapes that surround me. Natural spaces worthy of protection with their properties, these special places, their light and their colors fascinate me again and again. I also try to set an example with special statements about peace and the preservation of our world.

Country Germany

Website https://www.virtuelledenkraeume.de

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