Artist Spotlight - Aurélie Ferrara
As the photographer captures a precise moment, through her drawings, Aurélie Ferrara transcribes moments of life, interiority. Black and white, the artist only works with graphite pencil. The variations between clay and carbon allow her an infinite diversity of tones. She superimposes successive layers of lines, which she accentuates or attenuates.
ENCHANTEMENT Collection Sun N°1
From drawing to drawing, from pencil stroke to pencil stroke, she refines her technique, improves her line to get as close as possible to an expression, an idea ... As aesthetic as it is communicative, each model is the reflection of her own sensitivity.
Drawing is often likened to a line, to an outline. However, all her work aims on the contrary to give depth, volume, contrast, to bring out the expression of a face, and the emotion attached to it.
ENSOLEILLEE Collection Sun N°2
Aurélie Ferrara was born in 1985 in the Landes, southwest of France, and has been drawing since she was very young. She became a lawyer, but life brought her back to art in 2018 to become a professional artist. After living in Bordeaux, she returned to live in the Landes region where her roots are.
Aurélie Ferrara's works are exhibited today through several emerging events on the contemporary art scene: in France Paris, then Madrid, San Sebastian, Barcelona, Biarritz.
And won for example, the CERTIFICATE OF INTERNATIONAL MERIT OF THE MUSEE DU LUXEMBOURG PINOTHEQUE ART PRIZE. Selected by the jury on December 1, 2024 during the international Art-Prize competition.
Les Songes
The artist also wants to participate in charitable projects by offering speaking works:
Association for the fight against Cancer "Battement d'Elles" and its research in complementary well-being (Biarritz)
Association for the defense of animals (Landes)