Artist Spotlight - Cor Fafiani
Cor Fafiani creates mysterious, multi-sensorial, perfect and almost metaphysical works of art. He plays with different materials and colours, and yet his art is never a pure aestheticism, but rather a code through which he can communicate his own ideas. He is, in fact, both an artist and a philosopher, and as such, he guesses the most inner selves of human beings, he reaches our onthological essence.
Nuova Luna Polystereen acryl 36x29x12
Nevertheless what is more disquieting for the observer of his works is the absolute lack of answers or points of reference, so that what is left is the doubt, the unsolved problem of the existence. That void can be filled only by Art, and that's the only certainty Cor Fafiani seems to voice in his works. Dott. Nadine Giove
Cannibal habitat017 polystereenacryl 47x26x23 acryl
Artist Statement
Cor Fafiani creates mysterious, multi-sensorial, perfect and almost metaphysical works of art. He plays with different materials and colours, and yet his art is never a pure aestheticism, but rather a code through which he can communicate his own ideas. He is, in fact, both an artist and a philosopher, and as such, he guesses the and
Recycling Box 2019 Polystereen acryl30x40x10
Planet 2023 polystereen acryl 9x31x31
Lockdown 2010 Polystereen acryl 50x30x22
Pandora,s Box 2022 Polystereen acryl36x35x28
Copy of a pipe 2017 acryl on canvas 30x40cm
Espace of energie 2017 acryl 70cm
Amazing 2017 acryl on canvas 70x50
Various selection 2023 Acryl on canvas 70x50.
Broken life 20123 acryl on canvas 50x70
Wonder ful world 2024 acryl on canvas 50x70
Clair 2017 acryl on canvas 30x40
Elstar 2018 acryl on canvas 30x40
Show case 2020 acrylon canvas 70x50
Super Hero 2020 acryl on canvas 70x50