Artist Spotlight - Gunilla Daga

Artist Spotlight - Gunilla Daga


“My art is about existence; life. Being a human, a woman. On the Swedish west coast, I had a studio. Close to the window, there was this reed. They were leaning towards me, waving in the wind, telling me secrets and showing me their hidden rooms. Spaces in between! Each Image I make is born from the previous, in an interaction between life and the material… to see through the surface in between heaven and earth.”

Nature woman, oil on canvas, 50x65 cm,90s

Artist Statement

Gunilla Daga is an artist known for her mesmerizing works of art. She draws inspiration from her natural surroundings and the human interactions she experiences. Her artwork results from an ongoing interaction between life and material, in which each image is born from the previous. This cycle of life inspiring art and art inspiring life is what defines Gunilla Daga’s work, making her one of the most intriguing artists of our time.

Rocka egg, oil on canvas, 110x120 cm, 1998

Gunilla Daga is an artist whose works are informed by the world around her. Her work reflects a deep connection to the environment, both in her chosen materials and subject matter. She draws inspiration from the changing seasons and the subtle beauty of nature.

Rose, acryl on canvas, 70x100 cm, 2015

She also finds inspiration from human interaction and culture, incorporating stories into her pieces. This combination of material and experience allows her to create unique, beautiful works of art.
Viviana Puello, Art Tour International


Reed shape, acryl on canvas, 45x45 cm, 2000

Landscape, oil on canvas, 50x65 cm, 2004

Silly garden, acryl/oil on canvas, 65x70 cm, 2010

Drawing nr 3, charcoal and crayon on paper, 20x24 cm, 2007

Drawing nr 19, charcoal and crayon on paper, 20x24 cm, 2007

The face of hate, pigments and acrylmedium on canvas, 90s

Birdflight, pigments and acrylmedium on canvas, 65x60 cm,1998

Into the yellow, pigments and acrylmedium on canvas, 2019

From the other sida, pigments and acrylmedium on canvas, ca 85x95 cm, 1999

Yellow bird, pigments and acrylmedium on canvas, 45x56 cm, 2022

Moonlight in the garden, pigments and acrylmedium on canvas, 45x56 cm, 2023

Yellow bird, pigments and acrylmedium on canvas, 45x56 cm, 2024

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