Interview with Patricia Heuker of Hoek

Interview with Patricia Heuker of Hoek

As an artist, I create images that speak about the fragility of life, of us. I truly believe  our children can make a difference. They might be young and seem fragile, but they have the power and will to change things.

Could you please introduce yourself and tell us how you started in the arts? and your first experience in art making?

I am 48 yrs old, born in Singapore, raised in The Netherlands. When Was little I already enjoyed art making very much. When I was 19, I went to art school but found out I wasn't ready to be criticized and wasn't able to follow my own path.

How would you describe yourself and your artwork?

Would describe myself as curious a thinker and a do-er. My mind never stops. I am concerned about nature and my children growing up in the mess we left behind.

Where do you get your inspiration from?

I get my inspiration from the world around and from my teenage daughters growing up to be strong girls in a hopefully better and healthier world than it is right now.

What emotions do you hope the viewers experience when looking at your art?

I hope my viewers experience that there can be a strong message in beauty.

When do you know that an artwork is finished ?

I know an artwork is finished when an adjustment doesn't make the message or the image stronger.

What has been the most exciting moment in your art career so far?

The most exciting moment was winning the Mediterranean Contemporary Art Prize 2019 in Italy.

How long does it take to produce one work?

I think it takes about a week to produce and complete one work.

What exciting projects are you working on right now?

I am working on a project which is called 'Expired'. Women reach their expiration date sooner than men. We live a world where getting older and wiser (as a woman) is not considered to be a good thing.

Do you have any upcoming events or exhibitions we should know about?

There are a few more large exhibitions pending but I will be exhibiting at Rotterdam Photo in February 2020 and will be part of an exhibition in Cairo coming spring.



Instagram: @worldoftries

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