Interview with Vita Lukstina

Interview with Vita Lukstina

I was born in 1967 and grew up in Russia; I have Latvian and Russian blood. In my childhood I attended children’s art school in Russia. Then I went to Latvia and started to study at the Latvian University, Faculty of Pedagogy, in art department. Later I changed to the Pedagogical department of the Latvian Art Academy and graduated in 1993. I only came to fulfilling my dream to study painting in 2016, when I started the Master’s program of the Latvian Art Academy graduating 2018. Participating in exhibitions since 2017.

Could you please introduce yourself and tell us how you started in the arts? and your first experience in art making?

I did arts already in childhood. But seriously I can think that I started in 2017 when I paint  my work "Shame". It is the beginning of one of my them about sexuality and body.

How would you describe yourself and your artwork?

I am very meditative person and my art is so. The process of painting is also meditative, but includes suffering of giving birth to my "child". I need also time to be in "pregnancy".

Where do you get your inspiration from?

From my life, people around and life.

What emotions do you hope the viewers experience when looking at your art?

I like when people get individual experience, each one, personally, different for every one.

When do you know that an artwork is finished ?

It is hard to answer. I correct sometimes even after exhibition.

What has been the most exciting moment in your art career so far?

When work is succeeds.... Up to now prize in Florence Biennale....

How long does it take to produce one work?

I need to count together time from idea birth to finish. It can be long or shorter. From some month to years.

What exciting projects are you working on right now?

In my mind is several themes. Now I continue the "Shame".

Do you have any upcoming events or exhibitions we should know about?

First is work. Let it be in silent.



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