Interview with Nora Komoroczki

Interview with Nora Komoroczki

After graduating from the University I started working as a journalist in Budapest. Later on, after becoming Editor in Chief of the inflight magazine of the Hungarian Airlines I could travel quite extensively, thus managed to visit wonderful places around the world and meet interesting people that inspired me to a great extent. When I began painting, attended some artist courses both in Budapest and Stockholm. My paintings are in oil on canvas, mainly landscapes, but I love to capture eyes and faces, as well. I had solo exhibitions in Sweden, Israel and Hungary and participated in group shows in Austria, Belgium, Romania and Hungary. My artworks were purchased by collectors in Australia, the USA, the UK and some other countries.

How would you describe yourself and your artwork?

In addition to my busy daily life – we have got 3 children - and my extensive work (Editor in Chief, later on Regional Director of Hungarian Tourism Agency) I was happy to find some free time and devote myself to painting basically in oil on canvas. I have painted a lot during the past three decades mainly pictures of the beautiful nature surrounding us, interesting faces and some remarkable people representing different cultures and habits… Great moments in Hungarian history aroused my interest encouraging me to paint copies of 2 historical artworks shown in the National Gallery painted by my favourite Master, Mr. Gyula Benczur (1844-1920).

My first inspectors who are giving an opinion of the vibe reflected on my artworks is my family, first of all, my great critic - my husband - and later on my art-lover friends.

How do you go about beginning a new piece? Do you have an idea already in mind, or do you start working with materials or sketches to find the departure point?

If I see sg interesting inspiring me, I have immediately the feeling that I  need to paint it. I never make sketches beforehand, I start painting directly on the canvas.

When do you think your most prolific time of day or week is?

I actually paint when I have time. The best hours are when the daylights are perfect for painting, but sometimes I continue the work even at late night. I use to listen to the radio or music during the creation of an artwork.

What is a barrier you as an artist overcame? Is there anything that enabled you to develop your work as an artist in your life?

Lack of free time is always a barrier. There is always a lot to do during 24 hours. Journeys to different countries always inspired me.

Did you have an idea of what you wanted to create right from the beginning?

Yes, I wanted to capture the moments which had a big impact on me. I want to show on my canvas the beauty of nature and the diversity of people I met during my journey. 

What is the meaning or creative inspiration for your work? We’re curious what the narrative or story is to what you are producing?

My first painting was inspired by a wonderful winter landscape. I looked out of the window and admired the snowy surroundings. I wanted to capture this moment on canvas for posterity, I wanted to show it – as I saw – to my first small kid who was sleeping this time in the bedroom.

Another sweet moment: when we made a trip with my husband to South America and visited Titicaca Lake, we met a small local girl, who always came to me and wanted to be with me during our stay at the island. She was very cute. I made a photo of her and her big sister sitting in a boat. Returning home I painted this lovely scene.

Besides your artworks, are there any other things in life that your voice as an artist may consider vital or valuable? What makes you joyful and creative, in other words?

I wrote and illustrated some private fairy tale books to my grandchildren about Santa, a little girl who didn’t like vegetables, the Mini Europe exhibition park, etc. My grandchildren liked these stories and the illustrations very much, that made me happy, of course.

Are there any exhibitions or places where people can see these beautiful creations in person soon? Anything on the horizon?

I was invited to New York for an art exhibition and to Tokyo Art Fair in 2021. Regrettably, I could not attend, due to Covid-19 European citizens were not allowed to enter these countries. The same reason made me to postpone my exhibition in Steiner Gallery in Vienna for this October. You can find  my paintings in the bilingual German book, „Excellent Art 2020”, the Spanish artbook: ModPortrait 2019, or in the International Contemporary Masters XIII. published in the USA. As a recognition of my art I have been awarded by several international art prizes, latest by the Leonardo da Vinci Prize. I took part in a group exhibition held in Pinter Gallery in Budapest, organized by a great Italian art-lover involving 80 international artists. I participated in a group exhibition in Palermo last September, and some of my paintings are going to be exhibited at Amsterdam Art Fair in August, 2022. My artworks (20 pcs) are presented at Artifact’s  Gallery online flat screen in Manhattan in 2 years, 2022-2023.


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