Interview with Ping He

Interview with Ping He

The world is very huge and the universe is vast without boundaries, while people know little about it. When perceiving the power of celestial bodies and deities, I find the invisible shape, color and light. Tremendous energy is all around. When I’m grateful for my most pious heart and having a dialogue with it, a feeling of awe arises. It builds up endless celestial beauty and presents its power for the inanimate architectural movement which I’m exploring and am very joyful for.

Can you pinpoint the moment you decided you wanted to become an artist?

I like painting since I was a child. When I could express my ideas with brushes, I decided to be an artist.


Where is your studio and where are you from?

My studio is in Shanghai, I was born in Shanghai.


Tell us a little about your artistic background. What were your first influences to be creative and become a serious artist?

Because I was born in Shanghai, urban culture is the main factor that affects my artistic creation. Today’s rapid development of science and technology is affecting and changing people’s lifestyles, and the aesthetics of art are also changing and there is a new space for dreams.


Can you tell us what you have going on right now?

Perceiving the unknown world sounds like a game, but in the process of practice, it presents the other side of the real nature of the human brain in the subconscious. This is also a "data form" that records the development and changes of artistic thinking.


Can you describe what an average working day for you is like? Do you work on many creations at once or one at a time?

I work 3-4 hours a day, many creations are done at the same time.


What makes your art different from others?

I like to use brushes to paint on rice paper and oil canvas. My concept is to use colors and lines to express the inherent power of nature.


In your opinion, what role does the artist have in society? What do you hope that others will gain from viewing your art?

The artist is a keen observer, he can discover the world that others can't see. I hope the audience can see the endless energy of nature in my paintings.


What’s the most important element in your artwork?

Energy collision.


That being said, are there any lessons that you’ve learned that you could pass on to the younger generation of artists as they begin their journeys?

If you like art, you must express it truthfully. True creation comes from life.



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