Artist Spotlight - Symona Colina
Symona Colina born in Ridderkerk the Netherlands in 1954.
Participated in a number of exhibitions in several countries;
the Netherlands, the United States, Italy, Spain, Belgium, England, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, France ...
The Turning of the Tide (2024) 80x90 cm, oil on canvas.
Future of Art Global Masterpiece Award, Contemporary Art Curator Magazine - 2024
Global Art Virtuoso Elite Artistic Career Achievement Award - 2024
Certificate Creative Excellence, Circle Foundation for the Arts - 2023
Primo Premio Firenze, Fiorino d'Oro - 2022
Artist Value Certification, Artmajeur - 2021
Certificat of Artistic Excellence, Circle Foundation for the Arts - 2021
Honorable mention, Biennale of Chianciano - 2011
Honorable award, Art Addiction Medial Museum MAB3 - 2016
Premio Astarte 1°Classification Painting - 2010
Merito all Artista, International Exhibition Italia Arte - 2011
Premio Internazionale Tokyo, Centro Diffusione Arte - 2011
Premio della Critica BOE, L'editor Effetto Arte - 2010
Il premio internazionale Lorenzo il magnifico - Premio del Presidente
Biennale Internazionale dell'arte contemporanea - 2009
Feather Light (2023) 90x100 cm, oil on canvas.
Roma IT, 2024, Arte Per Oggi : Ex Cartiera Latina
Miami USA, 2023, Red Dot Artfair, Virtual show
Firenze IT, 2022,Palazzo Vecchio, Primo Premio Firenze - Europa
Roma IT, 2022,Galleria il collezionista
Roma IT, 2022, Cancelleria Vaticano
Amsterdam NL, 2016, World Fashion Center
Rotterdam Nl, 2015, AHOY Nationale Kunstdagen 2015
Roma IT, 2015, ArtePerOggi Teatro dei DioScuri
Bruxelles BE, 2014, AmartGallery
London GB, 2014, Royal Opera Arcade Gallery
Roma IT, 2013, Palazzo Pontificio Maffei Marescotti
Torino IT, 2013, Biennale Museo MIIT
Roma IT, 2013, Domus Talenti
Amsterdam NL, 2013, ADAF - World Fashion Center
Jumpers (2023) 80x90 cm, oil on canvas.
Torino IT, 2013, MITT Museo Torino
Bonn De, 2013, Kunstlerforum Bonn
Roma IT, 2012, Teatro dei DioScuri
Padova IT, 2012, 23° Fiera Arte Padova
Sofia BG, 2012, Rayko Alexiev Community Center
Grosseto IT, 2012, Centro AGAF
NewYork US, 2012, New Art Center
Roma IT, 2012, Teatro dei Dioscuri
Praga Ce, 2012, Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Praga
Milano IT, 2011, Galleria Spazio Museale
Paris FR, 2011, Caroussel du Louvre
Milano IT, 2011, Galleria "il Borgo"
S.Severa IT, 2011, Castello di S.Severa
Chianciano Terme IT, 2011, Biennale di Museo d'Arte ChiancianoTerme
Storm (2021) 100x90 cm, oil on canvas.
Barcelona SP, 2011, SWAB (Camdenartgallerie)
Torino IT, 2011, Miniformato, Accademia SantaRita
Béziers FR, 2011, Salone Internazionale di Béziers.
Torino IT, 2011, Villa Guialino (Internazionale Italia Arte)
Santa Marinella IT, 2011, Villa Alagna
Bologna IT, 2011, Expo Officina Minganti
Torino IT, 2011, Museo della Citta di Collegno
Santa Severa IT, 2011, Castello di S.Severa, premio Astarte
New York US, 2011, International Competition Chelsea
New York US, 2010, Agora Gallery
Firenze IT, 2009, IV Biennale 2009
Roma IT, 2009, Centro Internazionale OAD
Santa Severa IT, 2009, Castello di Santa Severa
Torino IT, 2009, Antichi Chiostri
Cinders (2020) 100x90 cm, oil on canvas.
Torino IT, 2009, Accademia Internazionale SantaRita
Santa Marinella IT, 2009, Casina Rosa
Venezia IT, 2009, Galleria Françoise Calgagno
Roma IT, 2008, Caffe Letterario
Ferrara IT, 2008IV, Biennale Ferrara
Genova IT, 2008, Museo ‘Flavio Roma’
Montemaggiore IT, 2002, Associazione Culturale
Maastricht NL, 2001, Instituut Europêen
Santa Marinella IT, 2000, Porto Odeschalchi
Apeldoorn NL, 2000, Royal Talens
Chiavari IT, 1999, Chiesa: s.Francesco
Winschoten NL, 1999, Hospedale:s.Lucas
Sestri Levante IT, 1998, da ‘Nadia’
Oosterbeek NL, 1995, de ‘Valkenburcht’
Clonmel IR, 1991, Galleria di ‘Owen’
The Breathing (2019) 100x90 cm, oil on canvas.
Spotlight temporary art magazine, 2021 Circle art foundation
Circle quarterly art review, 2021 Circle art foundation
Jaarboek Kunstenaars, 2016 Stichting Kunstweek Nederland
Cohen's Choise - Stichting Kunstweek, 2015 Nederland
Kunstoase, 2013 Nederland (Najaar)
Jaarboek Kunstenaars 2013
Effetto Arte Anno : 3, no 1, Gen-Feb.2013, EA Editore
Art Museum Selection, 2012
Art in Vogue London, 2012
BOE - Premio della Critica, 2011
Effetto Arte Dicembre, 2011
Avanguardie Artistiche Centro Diffusione Arte, 2011
World Wide Art Books, 2011
International Contemporary Masters IV, 2011
World Wide Art Books Dictionary of Artists, 2010
Art is Spectrum 2010, Agora Gallery
NY Artsmagazine, 2010
ArtFairs International January 19th
Cover "Royal Talens" BV., 1993
Connexion (2019) 90x100 cm, oil on canvas.
Close Harmony (2018) 90x100 cm, oil on canvas.
Artist Statement
My work is like the wind, perceiving perspective.
A perspective which touches and surrounds me, and in its essence forms the source of my work and sparkles in endless interfaces.
Thunderball (2017) 100x100 cm, oil on canvas.
Composing with the shades of rainbow-light…
Brushes in my hand, weaving lines and tunes into the shades…
Words strung like beads on a string fall featherlight on a thin surface…
A song to see…
Rainbow-light grows into whispered words of a high-pitched rhapsody…
A song to see.
Perspective is a dance with colors and lines that follows a melody of outspread wings.
Perspective is a meeting and a clash between length, height and width.
Alba (2016) 80x100 cm, oil on canvas.
Where I see the world inside of me.
Where I see the world outside of me.
Art has many interfaces with existence.
It is all around in its countless disciplines.
And nevertheless unlimited.
Entwinned (2015) 70x80 cm, oil on canvas.
Fiera (2011) 110x110 cm, oil on canvas.
Forza Nove (2009) 80x110 cm, oil on canvas.
Dodecahedron (1996) 100x110 cm, oil on canvas.
Parapluutjes (1992) 105x115 cm, oil on canvas.