All tagged Ai-Wen Wu Kratz

Ai-Wen Wu Kratz

Ai-Wen Wu Kratz’s art is not just a visual experience, but a deeply philosophical one. Her works prompt reflection on time, identity, culture, and the interconnectedness of all things. They celebrate the beauty of existence while acknowledging its complexities and contradictions. In a time when society is increasingly fragmented and polarized, Kratz’s art offers a space for contemplation and reconciliation, a reminder that within the chaos of life, there is still room for beauty, balance, and harmony.

Interview with Ai-Wen Wu Kratz

I am of Chinese origin. I came from Hong Kong to the U.S. for college education. I received my BFA degree from Fort Wright College, Spokane, WA and my MFA degree from Cranbrook Academy of Art, Bloomfield Hill, MI. Along the way, I attended Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture and New York Studio School of Drawing, Painting and Sculpture.