Interview with Torie Smith

Interview with Torie Smith

Torie, you have seamlessly integrated quantum physics, mechanics, and epigenetics into the foundational principles of your brand. Could you elaborate on how these scientific disciplines inform your approaches to personal growth and spiritual guidance, particularly in the context of your new Spirit Advisory practice in Las Vegas?

Utilizing the innerstanding of how these three sciences specifically operate, allows me to craft a personalized and customized energetic experience, for each individual.

These are the multi-layered types of experiences one will be able to enjoy at the new Vegas location.

Everyone comes with a very unique and specific internal filtration system (which includes epigenetic imprinting from birth, their unconscious belief system, their conscious belief system and their interpretation of current social programming).

We are looking at ones personalized relationship with ‘all that is'. From a visual neutral standpoint to the emotional standpoint.

The goal is to get a clear visual on this individual's current relationship with the beliefs that are currently reflecting and projecting ie playing out, in their reality. Once we have a clear picture of what that entails, we begin the Galactic Attunement℠ process.

This process entails a multi-dimensional experience. We begin by going on a journey, discovering the conscious awareness of what it entails to be human, from the holographic layer to the physical experience. We deep dive, clearing the baseline of the belief system(s), relaying that foundation with Galactic Truth.

Taking individuals on an ‘adult mind adventure’ is my absolute favorite! We get to explore via astral projection, which provides an innerstanding of Divine Cosmic Consciousness and how The Experience i.e. The Universe works as it plays out through their unique vessel. Creating a personalized interpretation and conscious relationship with their individual experience, here.

Lastly, I perform and energetic clearing and blessing, to cleanse and polish ones unique energetic complex*. It’s like getting an energetic detail.

*Each individual has a unique housing unit within. A collection of all the things that represent and define them, specifically. I simply make sure that it is sparkly clean, galactically aligned, organized and streamlined for efficiency.

In light of your belief that "Nothing means anything but the meaning we are choosing to provide it," how do you perceive the role of family in shaping one's interpretation of reality? How has your own family influenced the realities you create and interact with, both in your personal life and in your artistic endeavors?

So, this is actually more than just my personal belief and knowing, this is Galactic Law; all is neutral.

This experience is merely consciousness being experienced as “real”.

From the Creators standpoint all is simply energy, frequency, sound, colors, shapes and elements. We as individual perceivers create the stories, the narratives, the ‘meaning of things’ via our relationship with and beliefs around, all that is.

I have been blessed to have spent a majority of my professional career in the service industry and one of my core values that has resulted from my love for humanity and service is, consider everyone in the room.

When I am creating; realities, art, “content”, I am considering everyone in the room i.e. every God Particle in existence.

There are babies out here, there are children; my relationship with ‘all that is’, is very rated G.

We are all divine reflections of Mother Nature, and Mother Nature is reproductive; humans have created the beautiful experience that is sensuality. An experience I exclusively share with my husband and my husband only. Which makes it extra special.

My husband and my girls are something I never saw coming. What they bring to my reality makes my heart so incredibly tender and giggly; they allow me to truly live and cherish the present moment of existence, in a way I never thought possible.

This new version of Self, soft and still, has allowed me to access realms I was always too fast and tough for. This has inevitably affected everything I touch, from my art to my relationships and everything in between.

My husband activated my magik. I was a completely different person before his love touched my system. When I was first navigating my awakening and discovering my new capabilities, I was able to utilize his refection, to continue to resonate and maintain relevancy on this planet. To say he is my grounding force would be a grand understatement.

Considering your deep engagement with Divine Cosmic Consciousness and Galactic Attunement, how do you view the role of friendship in achieving higher states of consciousness? Can interpersonal relationships catalyze shifts that align us more closely with universal energies?

Oh my goodness, ABSOLUTELY! Friendship is everything; it’s personally my driving force, it’s my heartbeat, it’s my preferred currency. Nothing makes this life more special, buoyant, fun and purposeful than friendship!

My mom used to make fun of me when I was a teenager for the level of priority in which I put my friends — they are my family.

The people on this planet are some of the most magnificently badass, I have ever encountered. I don’t think I have ever met an entity that I didn’t find incredibly intriguing and worth getting to know.

You often discuss our relationships with "all that is" and how these relationships manifest in our realities and artistic expressions. Could you provide a detailed example of how an everyday interaction or relationship has directly influenced a piece of your art or a project you’ve developed?

110%. Our reality, individually and collectively is a direct refection of our belief system(s) and our intimate relationship(s) with, all that is.

Which allows anyone to handcraft and design their own reality.

Because this entire existence is consciousness, if one is wanting to change or transform their current experience, they do so through consciousness; intentional pivots in belief, perspective, and relationship.

I utilize this knowing in everyday casual conversations to create profound shifts, which allow people to gain traction in whatever it is that they are expressing, and currently navigating. I also utilize this in my art and in my Galactic Attunement℠ experiences.

When I was in high school, my mom sent me to therapy. She had come to the realization that she could no longer guide me. At fifteen, she felt that I had more life experience than she did and she wanted to make sure that I was able to utilize my experience rather than allow it to sink me.

The therapists assessment was that I really needed a creative outlet; even though I had spent most of my life creating art, I had stopped due to traveling, socializing, working and dating.

The therapist gave me an assignment that would change the trajectory of my art and my life, forever. She asked me to go home and put together a collage of magazine cutouts that represented me.

Up until this point, my art was mostly black and white. I was obsessed with magazines and layover nature art at the time. A technique I had never seen before, for photoshop was something I had yet to discover.

To my surprise this assignment would be the first collage of many; and an even bigger surprise was that everything I had selected to represent me was vibrant, bright, bold and neon colors.

This single art assignment changed the way I saw myself, the way I expressed myself and the relationship I had with magazines and my art, forever.

I walked into that therapy office with no direction, no vision for the future. Shortly after, I was on my way to a private art school and discovering the technology in which would allow me to blend all of my artistic favorites together; later on I would add live paintings to the mix.

I had no idea that my training in Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, drawing, painting and photography would someday be the wisdom in which I would rely on, to navigate the internal digital art studio that I would discover existed within my internal mind.

With the ongoing capital investment process, what are your strategic goals for the EMPATHIC GANGSTER® brand over the next five years? How do you plan to leverage these investments to scale your brand’s impact on a global stage?

I am someone who really cherishes grace, finesse and the beauty of dance, imagination, flow and creativity.

What I’m creating is something that is going to metamorphosize humanity and life as we know it, no doubt. When it comes to creating this brand, I have approached it very differently than I have ever approached anything in my life.

My soul no longer seems to be in a hurry, or rush, or be on a mission. I’m incredibly precise, patient and approach people’s lives with delicacy and care. I’m also incredibly swift, conscious and ‘to the point’, which is why, I believe, people are drawn to me.

How I approach my art is a little different; it’s quite raw and I allow the organics of the present moment to take centerstage.

Where assisting others, my role is much more concise, and they get to play within the organics.

We live in a reality where everything and anything has the capacity to go viral and be experienced across the globe in a matter of moments.

What one might not realize is that we are continuously broadcasting our truth to every God Particle in existence. I can actually see this experience as it’s happening due to my heighten energetic capabilities.

I’ve been consciously utilizing this broadcast system, as I’ve been designing EMPATHIC GANGSTER®.

So, now when I speak Galactic truth to people, it is a soul resonant experience, due to the fact that I have been intentionally broadcasting what I am saying to their face, behind the scenes, for years.

I don’t see myself or resonate with the idea of being a teacher. I am however an artist, an entertainer and someone who loves to host and create unforgettable experiences.

My strategic approach for the next five years involves a series of artistic and creative interactive experiences, that take people on an adventure of Divine Cosmic Consciousness and Galactic Attunement℠. Coupled with my in-office and ‘house call’ experiences.

This life is about enjoyment, fun, celebration, creativity, fulfillment and self expression; I want to share Galactic/Cosmic wisdom, honoring this truth.

Understanding a concept is great but innerstanding it, is profoundly transformational and leads to greater results in peoples lives.

Opening a Spirit Advisory practice in a commercially vibrant and culturally diverse city like Las Vegas presents unique opportunities and challenges. How do you plan to maintain the integrity and depth of spiritual advice amidst the city's commercial environment?

Great Question! When we moved to Vegas from Vail, Colorado I was incredibly excited to get to immerse myself in the glitz, the glam, the textures, the lighting, the theatrics; dive deep into a place where entertainment, customer care, art, hospitality, play, celebration and creativity all come together.

I am consciously aware that the perception of an experience is rarely the actual intention of the experience. Vegas has a reputation that is incredibly far from the actual experience I have personally had here.

The truth is, humanity shares a universal golden heart beat and the opportunities and options to play here aren’t as sinful as one might think; especially when people are experiencing and approaching them consciously, via their heart space.

At one point, humanity seemed to be gulping life; the collective level of conscious awareness was lower and the overall emotional maturity of humanity was lower. This led to allot of over consumption and “gluttony”.

As a collective, we have been awakening to the hearts desire of a balance, a harmonic balance. A need for responsibility, wholesomeness, accountability and maturity.

The internet has been a great mirror for us all; to see what’s simply “too much”, what’s incredibly inappropriate, unsustainable and simply unacceptable. Then we bring those awarenesses and knowings to the real world.

When we taste life, rather than gulp it; we actually get to enjoy and savor the experience.

Vegas is a lot cleaner, wholesome, kid and family friendly than ever before and I want to illuminate the wholesome ways of enjoying ones Self, here.

As a Spirit Advisor who pours spirits; I educate and show people how to consume consciously, responsibly and in a balanced celebrational frequency.

Rating systems and parental responsibly is something that this entire planet is going to be more conscientious about in the near future; we already are.

Daytime vibes in Vegas and nighttime vibes in Vegas differ, and realistically kids should be in bed and nowhere near the strip after dark.

At one-point, grunge culture was something that was mainstream. That’s no longer the case; now mainstream is about self-care, self-love and being the most vibrant, rich version of thy Self.

We are all waking up; we are classier, we are desiring slower more fulfilling and meaningful ways of living and operating.

The last ten years, being “sober” has become the new way of being. I have no doubts that Las Vegas is the absolute perfect place to open this practice.

What better landscape and opportunity to unleash Galactic Self Mastery, than the land of infinite artistic opportunities.

You describe your work as designing and creating "Fantasy Empires" where humanity can step into new existences. Could you delve into what these empires might look like and how they integrate with real-world environments?

So, I define a “Fantasy Empire” as one that is a direct reflection of the creators soul. We set it up so that it flows effortlessly with their organic ways of operating and so that it never feels like work; simply play and self expression.

This also allows the public to get to know the artist or the creator of the empire in way that is personal and humanistic; which allows for greater depth of reach, fulfillment, personal inspiration and infinite collaboration opportunities.

This planet doesn’t really need any more “stuff” but what it does need is more meaningfulness. I encourage the creation of businesses and empires that are experiential; that offer opportunities for humanity to create and collect memories rather than “things”.

I also encourage those who do create physical artistic pieces to create with intention, with the conscious awareness of “quality over quantity” and the prioritization of customization, personalization and timelessness.

With the development of The VisCom™ and Telle™ Headset, you are at the forefront of universal communication technology. What ethical considerations do you take into account when creating devices that could potentially alter human interaction and perception?

Discovering that we are all born with an internal headset, while navigating my own capacity to telepathically communicate, and broadcast, was very exciting. Discovering my position is within the experience became incredibly relevant to the design process and pivotal to how I execute.

I discovered ways to integrate an experience I call symbiotic attunement, to connect individuals in a way where they can communicate directly with others via their internal headset.

Soldiers have actually reported experiencing communication like this, in the field with their fellow comrades — without an intentional symbiotic attunement experience, so I knew I was on to something, HUGE.

As we know, intention and conscious awareness significantly changes the entire landscape of a situation and our abilities to navigate and interact with it.

I love this question, because this is an incredibly powerful technology, and it has to be approached not only ethically but carefully and diligently. Privacy and specificity are key.

It would be approached like giving out ones phone number, intentionally and systematically. One could have certain individuals on “speed dial”, like their inner circle.

Here’s the kicker and something I have yet to mention. I mentioned I am a channeler. I discovered I could channel information from the year 2092, specifically.

In this discovery and exploration of what this entails and what this means for humanity. I discovered that in the near future teleportation will be a mainstream experience; meaning calling people via “the telle” will not be the main way we connect — in person will be, and that makes my heart very happy.

From what I understand these technologies and capabilities will organically be introduced to those who have reached a certain level of conscious awareness, certain levels of maturity and self mastery. These technologies are not granted to those who would abuse them or not know how to operate them responsibly.

These capabilities are granted and activated in those who have accessed a specific level of cognitive awareness. It’s almost like a graduation present via The Universe.

The experiences that I provide via Galactic Attunement℠ seem to quantum leap the process. The experiences I have crafted around symbiotic attunement will allow me to connect activated individuals into communication pods. So they may communicate with specific individuals ie family, friends, colleagues and or teammates; utilizing their internal headset, in a specific manner.

I feel very blessed to have been grated access to witness and utilize this universal technology. I had no idea when I was contacted in 2018 via my first telepathic experience that this is where it would end up.

You’ve mentioned experiencing the world as a digital art studio. How do these experiences influence your creative process, especially in terms of translating these visions into tangible art forms that others can perceive and appreciate?

Because I was able to get cognitive hands on training in digital applications in Art School, navigating the world like a digital art studio has become second nature.

It allows me to view things in a neutral, layered format, like I’m working in Photoshop.

The greatest pivot to my artistic and creative process was discovering that I have the capacity to view anything and everything as the rough draft or layer one.

For instance, say I created a live painting. I spend however long adding layers and textures and elements to this physical piece. When it feels complete in my body and it tells me it’s done; I take that and I scan it into a digital format and now that is simply layer one. I’ll then build 13-22 more layers on top of it, in a digital application.

Then I can take that experience and I can utilize it to craft artistic elements via my personal energetic complex and broadcast those elements into the collective to create the frequency and visual effects I want my personal ethereal essence to represent.

When I first discovered the holographic layer within the experience it was “game on”. We can intentionally design, customize and beautify this entire experience to our liking, it’s very exciting!

Reflecting on your experience as the clock struck midnight on December 31, 2021, and your perception of the universe digitizing—how has this pivotal moment influenced your personal and professional priorities? What shifts have you observed in your life and work since then?

I was absolutely riveted in that moment. That night lasted into the wee hours of the morning and the things I witnessed are engrained in my mind forever; all of my profound awakening moments are.

It really solidified for me, that I perceive this experience, from an incredibly unique, and pivotal view point. A point of view I can't wait to share with everyone! There is so much magik, and magnificence and opportunity for play, creativity, entertainment and self expression here; simply organically built in.

My life has never been the same; my whole existence feels like a channeled experience at this point. I birthed a book, a brand and a podcast. I go back and I read and listen to these things and I can’t believe they came from me.

With as much fun as Cosmic exploration is, I have had to balance my internal ethereal reality with the very real external one that is also happening, simultaneously. Empathic Gangster® has been the bridge for me to accurately articulate my experience, while inviting others to come play, make art and magik with me.

I included three selfies with my entries, which might seem like an interesting choice. However, they are incredibly intentional and specific.

I wanted to include, and share some of the most pivotal, intimate places I have spent during my awakening journey.

One is out under a tree where my daughter and I have spent many precious moments together; hanging out, doing projects and filming her YouTube show Ray Ray's World™.

The grass pads outside of our home have been a saving grace. Building this brand and going through the capital investment process, has entailed quite a bit of writing and screen time, more than I prefer. I often take breaks to go outside; to lay in the grass, listen to the birds, allow the sunshine to kiss my cheeks and watch the girls run around.

The final selfie is in a very special spot. A place I have spent countless hours channeling, astral projecting, recording, doing guided meditations and exploring alternate realities.

I often share with people the power of selecting a specific place to communicate with The Universe. I found that when I gave The Universe GPS coordinates as to where I "perform", the connection is more powerful and solid. For me, this is also where I lay my head at night; you can imagine the dreams I encounter.

Who I am as an artist, is very much inspired by nature and the art of others. Character actors, painters, dancers, photographers, DJ’s… creatives of all kinds — I love a good story.

I love to see how artists channel and integrate their personal experiences, their personalities, unique styles and individual perspectives into timelessness.

* no editing was performed on these selfies, simply a slight brightening filter, in order to balance the smokiness that was present on the day of shooting. All 3 were shot within a 60 minute timeframe.

Can I just say, these are some of the most in-depth questions I have received to date and I am so appreciative for an opportunity to get to articulate what it is that I do and experience. Typically the experiences I provide are simply experienced, rather than verbalized, this was such a treat!


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