Voices of Tomorrow International Art Award

Voices of Tomorrow International Art Award

Contemporary Art Curator Magazine is delighted to present the Voices of Tomorrow Art Award.

The Voices of Tomorrow Art Award recognizes the most creative, dynamic and talented artists.

The Voices of Tomorrow Art Award provides a fascinating glimpse into the aesthetic vision of some of the world's most talented and creative artists. 

Awarded to emerging, dynamic, and gifted visual artists, the Voices of Tomorrow Art Award recognizes the best of today's contemporary artists.

Voices of Tomorrow Art Award investigates the 'heritage of the future,' challenging the possibilities of tomorrow. 

The Voices of Tomorrow Art Award examines the world we live in today and how our past experiences force us to face a more inclusive future.

Art has the potential to impact the world! 

Art has the power to make people feel, and this feeling can inspire them to think and act.

Art can help individuals overcome the numbing effect of today's information overload by inspiring them to act on their ideas. 

Art is a powerful tool for social change because it tells a story that can change and positively influence people's futures and beliefs.

See awarded artists:


Interview with Klaus Biliczky

Interview with Klaus Biliczky

Interview with Gro Heining

Interview with Gro Heining