Gaetanne Lavoie
Gaetanne Lavoie is a professional artist based in eastern Ontario. Holding two MFA degrees from the Academy of Art University in San Francisco, California (earned 2008) and the New York Academy of Art (earned 2013), respectively, Lavoie has since garnered notable accolades for her painting, including her 2015 wins both of an award of merit from the American Women Artist’s Spring Juried Show and of first place in Montreal’s Global Art League competition. Lavoie has also enjoyed the feature of her work in various publications, including among the pages of SLICE Magazine (2017), Voyage MIA Magazine (2018), and Spotlight Magazine (2020).
Lavoie has also developed her talents as both curator and educator. Beyond her curatorial work with such prestigious venues such as the Tett Gallery in Kingston, Ontario, and the New York Academy of Art, Lavoie has led classes at various institutions, including St. Lawrence College and the Kingston School of Art.
Artist Statement
Driving my work is the underlying desire to express ideologies of freedom through conscious creation. I work to portray the processes that can occur when seeking higher consciousness in relation to the human condition. While we are often the creators of our limitations, I use my work to explore how we liberate ourselves from those limitations to achieve a greater personal awakening that is essential to our freedom.
It is my belief that both acknowledging and understanding our own psyche allows us to transcend the human condition and heal ourselves. My intent is to create a lasting impact that induces free thought and dialogue. In pursuit of this aim, I choose to create psychologically spiritual narratives that are meant to produce visceral, emotional reactions in the viewer. These responses can thereby provide an opportunity for self-reflection and empathy, which could lead to compassion and healing.
Instagram GaetanneLavoieArt
White Girlz Killed Yoga (A Self-Portrait)/Oil on Linen/38" x 40"
The Power of Two/Oil on Linen/24" x 54"
Suicide Twins/18" x 24" each
Afropunk/Oil on Canvas/16" x 20"
Afropunk Queen/Charcoal on paper/18" x 24"
Lukie Bear Study/Charcoal on paper/18" x 24"
Emma Bee Study/Charcaol on paper/ 18" x 24"
Labonte Ladies/Charcoal on paper/ 12" x 24"