Hanna Rheinz

Hanna Rheinz


"I was born in Cologne, Germany and was what in today`s terminology is called a “nerd”. At age 13 I was a regular visitor of the Museum der Ostasiatischen Kunst, learned languages and art history. Gymnasium in Frankfurt/ Main with art major. I was influenced by the “Frankfurt School” of Philosophy, especially by Theodor W. Adorno, by French Symbolism, Dada and the Vienna School of Fantastic Art. At University (Frankfurt, Tokyo, Munich, Salzburg) I studied Philosophy, Japanology, Sinology (M.A.) and Psychology (Diploma and Dr.phil.). I wrote books and essays and worked as free author, journalist and director of a Jewish Museum. As a Fine Artist (Oil Painting and experimental photography) I participate/d in numerous exhibitions worldwide and live in Hamburg area, Germany."


"Inspirations, the crushing of techniques, colours, including those of Delft and Florence, happen along the debris left besides the slippery slopes of defeat. If I stare at them long enough, I understand, that the seemingly unbridgeable and eternally separated is just another aspect of all the inter-woven, interdependent energies that keep us alive and give us the energy to continue doing our thing. Art follows the natural laws of mankind; Dreams, nightmares, hopes, desires have the tendency to transform into images, works, material entities that crumble away when storms destroy what we consider eternal. I adapt my tools and fight for truth while transforming these different states of what yearns to be seen. The messages can shock, amuse, haunt one. So I adapt my tools, and watch my expectations and hopes. I aspire to see what is in between, overseen, not spoken about. There is no goal worth finding and giving up. So I try never to stop changing."

Website www.Hanna-Rheinz.com

Meer, verloren, Oil on Canvas, 81 x 116cm by Hanna Rheinz 2021

Meer, verloren, Oil on Canvas, 81 x 116cm by Hanna Rheinz 2021

Narcissus Burning, Photography on Paper, 15,3 x 20,5cm by Hanna Rheinz 2020

Narcissus Burning, Photography on Paper, 15,3 x 20,5cm by Hanna Rheinz 2020

Ghosting, Oil on Canvas, 90 x 110 cm by Hanna Rheinz 2021

Ghosting, Oil on Canvas, 90 x 110 cm by Hanna Rheinz 2021

Chaconne, Oil on canvas, 100 x 120cm by Hanna Rheinz 2021

Chaconne, Oil on canvas, 100 x 120cm by Hanna Rheinz 2021

One of Our Own, Einer von uns, Oil on Canvas, 70 x 100 cm by Hanna Rheinz, 2020

One of Our Own, Einer von uns, Oil on Canvas, 70 x 100 cm by Hanna Rheinz, 2020

Pan Passes by, Oil on Canvas, 54 x 65 cm by Hanna Rheinz 2020

Pan Passes by, Oil on Canvas, 54 x 65 cm by Hanna Rheinz 2020

Role Change, Oil on Canvas, 90 x 110cm by Hanna Rheinz

Role Change, Oil on Canvas, 90 x 110cm by Hanna Rheinz

Un-Titled, 40x50x5cm, oil on wood panel, by Hanna Rheinz 2021 .jpg

"Un-Titled, 40x50x5cm, oil on wood panel by Hanna Rheinz 2021"

Yueying Wang

Yueying Wang

Ayshe-Mira Yashin

Ayshe-Mira Yashin