Lobatch Tatiana
I was born in the Soviet Union and first made linguistic studies in the University of Minsk.Then I became a secret agent and lived in several contries .During my missions I often used being an artist like a cover and for this I have made several studies of peinting and drawing in Saint Roch academy in Bruxelles and i the city Art school of la Seyne sur Mer.But I'm completely selfmaded regarding volume and sculpture.Still that's what I mostly do.During the period from 2001 to 2020 I coudn't exhibit because of my main occupation.But I have never stoped creating.And as I lived dangerosly,on the razor's edge I try to regain the intensity that fulfilled me formerly in my art work.Now I am definetly retired from espionage but stiil use it like a cover.Since august 2020 I dedicate the most of my work to the democratic revolution in Belarus where the people are suffering from the dictatorial repression.The courage and the passion of this mouvement are my main source of inspiration lately, reminding the Maria Rilke words:"Let's everything happen to you,beauty and horror".
Artist Statement
As I suffered from the banality,boaring quotidianity,luck of creativity,permanent regulation of human being during my soviet life ,I fell in some kind of excessiveness when I left.I wanted to catch up the lost time and live several lifes.So I did it in my artistic creations melting a multitude of simultaneous experiances.Times and periods get mixed up,layers of feelings,memories,sensations are interposed,somes fade away, somes surface like in palimpsest.I try to captivate those caotic forms,to rescue them from abymalle depths and reconstruct them in their new appearances.I'm like an astral plan: a magnet for the lost dreams.The time appears like a humain construction,labyrinthe in which footpaths man get easily lost.The technics I use reflect the same problematc: I use essentially paper mache,which is produced from the layers of wood,papers,thoughts,sentences and calcination,which constitute return to the roots,to the stars dust.The material is fusing,flowing and getting fixed.The most important memories get detained.Calcination reflets the permanent change of matter,it's dilatation,it's contraction and final transformation.Like a star explosion it fixes molecules and give them a new existance.The unpredictable nature of this new life helps to explaine the difficulty to define the category of my creations.It's mostly compositions in volume in which appears the elements of painting.
Website http://art-brutoff1.webnode.fr/
Instagram artbrutoff
Facebook Tatiana Lobatch