Rainer Englisch
Born in Dresden/Germany, learnd beer craft in Bavaria, refined with hart liquor in Haselünne/Emsland, I have been running my own studio as an artist since 2009. I took part in exhibitions in Tokyo, Paris, New York, Canada or England as well in the home region.
Our fascinating world with its colors and shapes I compose new creations. For quite some time I have been concerned with the topic of justice, which I express in pictures on social, political and religious questions. For this I have developed my own transparent expressionistic style.
Awarded in 2015 with „Sandro Botticelli Prize“ in Florence, the International Michelangelo Prize“ in Rome. In 2016 owner of the title „Artist of UNICEF“. „Leonardo Da Vinci Award“ Florence 2018 and „Artist of the Year 2019“ at Mantua.
Artist Statement
Our world is full of contrasts. It is both beautiful and ugly, is colorful and gray, black and white, abstract and realistic, boring and exciting, tender and brutal, huge and tiny, inventive and simple, poor and rich, generous and stingy, religious and disbelief, happy and sad, alive and deadly, male and female, fast and slow, peaceful and warlike, quiet and loud, strong and weak, intelligent and stupid, industrious and lazy, healthy and sick, brave and cowardly, mad and balancing , licentious and ascetic, jealous and appreciative, sociable and lonely, chaotic and structured at the same time, etc., etc. The list is inexhaustible and could be continued endlessly.
Contrasts and contradictions bring energy and make our world so incredibly exciting. If I move current events, I deal with this like in collage images. But I suppose the motives bring in my view best expressed. The match style of painting I arrange the design under completely. Currently I tend to prefer an expressionist, while seemingly transparent painting. So I will not change the world but themselves understand better can shake up and make more colorful.
Website www.rainer-englisch-malerei.de
Roulettchildren - Rien ne va plus; Acrylic; H x L = 70 x 100 cm
Mythos of Sin; Acrylic; H x L = 70 x 100 cm
Earth in Stress; Acrylic; H x L = 60 x 60 cm
American Freedom; Acrylic; H x L = 80 x 100 cm
Puzzle of Aging; Acrylic; H x L = 70 x 100 cm
Digitale Manipulation; Acrylic; H x L = 70 x 100 cm
Freedom of the Press; Acrylic; H x L = 70 x 100 cm
Corona-Mascarade; Acrylic; 70 x 100 cm