Yasuhiro Imai
Mr. Yasuhiro Imai was born into the heart of the lmai family in Gero, Gifu, Japan, a place known for its abundance vegetation and hot springs. In 1984,1985, and 1986,Mr Imai participated in the Kodansha painting competition for found art.
(*arte objeto parco*) later on, he attended Kuwasawa Research Institute and received a degree in graphic Arts and Fashion Design, He spent time abroad in Germany, and then returned to his hometown in Japan, where he worked as a designer at ODS Planning Issei Miyake, MIK Planning at that point, Mr Imai became inspired and decided to travel to Mexico. In early 1990s, he settlet in the capital city of Guanajuato, where he now fully dedicates himself to sculpture, painting and photography. Mr Imai has obtained considerable recognition in Mexico City throughout the county in addition, his artwork has spread far and wide with the help of social media. He currently devotes his time and effort to showing the value of the imperceptible in a meaningful way.
Artist Statement
Thinking of photographing before was a concept of specific beautiful place, a camera, an almost unattainable moment, As a days went by, I discovered that each time is unique and capture able, that the everyday was beautiful if my mind remained open, each space was genuine and unrepeatable, that mobile became the medium. My photography has nothing special, the places, times, spaces were discovered in its punctual existence. I recognize that this country has a degree in favor of Lents, : air, sun, earth, light, they give e perfect combination to describe what the art of nature is. Which I present now.
Instagram Imai_yasuhiro1
Facebook Yasuhiro Imai
Pink wave
Cat eye
Sol print
Giant feet
Warm curve
Fece to face
Waterfall of the past between leaves
Naked natural moon