José Ángel Palao

José Ángel Palao


Born in Yecla (Murcia), Spain, José Ángel Palao studied theatre at the School of Dramatic Arts in Murcia and the Royal School of Drama and Dance in Madrid. Therefore, he was a theatre actor in his professional beginnings. 

As a child, he lived in the countryside; and his principal natural activities were painting, writing, counting the petals of the daisies, chasing fireflies, real or imaginary, in the moonlight, and, of course, lying on the grass for watching the clouds parade through the sky. Hence the peculiar case of this award-winning artist is that he has always led a life dedicated to the art world in one way or another. For this reason, by developing his imagination from a very young age, José Ángel is a prolific, eclectic, and multitalented artist with a permanent desire to reinvent himself in art. For Mother Earth's reverential love awakened in him from childhood, one line of his work studies nature in his awarded facet as an "artivist" committed to defending and conserving the environment through art. 

What has marked his trajectory and behavior in the complex world of art? It is without a doubt his autodidactism. In a few words: his artistic evolution is of character self-taught. And this educational aspect has led him to be an artist unclassifiable and unpredictable due to his perspective and creative consciousness regarding his peculiar way of understanding digital photography as an idea in constant progress.  

"What is your artistic goal, Jose Angel?" someone asked him once. "My goal in art is to be true to myself and follow my soul's call," he replied. So, it is understood that creatively speaking, from this artistic photographer seeker of the truth of aesthetic plenitude, one can expect anything of the most unexpected. This profound concept contains in itself a whole attitude to life.  

In summary, it could say that his primary creative activity and personal growth are found in the convene of artistic photography with contemporary digital art, showing his artworks in numerous exhibitions. With his project called "The Art of Photography," he has made more than eighty-five about it (some of them virtual), either individually or collectively.  

José Ángel Palao says, “Yes, my way currently is artistic photography fused with contemporary digital art. There is always a lot to polish and consider before showing a work out into the world on this difficult, arduous art of photography path as I live and experience it. As I like to learn something new every day, driven by my spirit of scientific research, this forces me to constantly refine and perfect my works of art in postprocessing, thanks to expanding my self-awareness of artistic perception. So, it is understood that learning has no end since now I know more than yesterday, but tomorrow I will know more than today.” 

José Ángel has shown his work in Europe, America, the Middle East, Asia, and countries like the United States of America, China, Spain, Turkey, Austria, Netherlands, United Arab Emirates, Hungary, France, and Italy.  

Artist Statement

A Message From Artist José Ángel Palao.

Firstly -In this place dedicated to writing my artist statement-, I would like to thank Contemporary Art Curator Magazine for awarding me the Voices of Tomorrow Art Award. This way, I can be with you again on this platform ever since I was one of the Artist of the Future Award winners: it is a great honor. And grateful for the opportunity that now I have for my written words to be read for you, I want to share a fundamental concept that has helped me as an artist over time. These are the approximate words first read on my behalf during an event where I was invited to participate at Columbia University in New York in February of 2020.

As an "art scientist" and son of the digital age and technological creativity by computer, the road to getting here has been long, complicated, and full of challenges. However, my love for art is so great that I have never lacked the impetus needed to allow me to show the best of myself to the world through my artworks: where I largely amalgamate artistic photography with contemporary digital art. Therefore, since I do not settle for less, I always look for excellence and aesthetic fullness as I understand it, not by vanity or vainglory, but by duty, by humble duty.

Dear public, this is a short message that I wish to convey to you:

"Let us seek between the heartbeats that which we usually call inspiration. Because only in its silent, serene, and harmonious depth of our heart will we connect directly with the luminous origin of our infinite creativity: here is where we will find everything we need to become artists. Achieving this purpose mean having found the meeting point that unifies us as creators for the benefit of humanity. Understanding this reality has been decisive in my life, and how it has transformed my way of seeing the mission of art in our modern society, I wanted to share it with you."

And now I add, looking at the artwork ˋDiscovery 2´ that represents me in this award, "Let us follow the flight of the phoenix bird's rebirth with our radiant hearts! Let us rise as a civilization to the height of the same powerful and eternal light that created the universe!"

That is all. God bless you all! Thank you very much.

Country Spain


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