Maria José Cabral

Maria José Cabral

I was born on 30 January 1993 in Lisbon where I live and work. In 2014 I graduated in Sculpture from the University of Fine Arts in Lisbon and in 2018 I completed my master’s degree in Painting by the same University.

Since 2012 I exhibit regularly, already counting exhibitions in the cities of Lisbon, Coimbra, Funchal, New York, Madrid, Venice and Palermo.

It is through the images that I best express myself, but as an artist, I value the various forms of communication that lead me to convey a message, whether through painting, sculpture, photography or even writing.

Having as one of the focal points of my work the spontaneous formation of colors, it results in the plastic exploration of the various layers of my biographical and everyday memory. These memories together with the imaginary merge with possible mutations and (re)creations.

It is a process of assimilation and contextualization in the contemporary world, of some concepts that reflect my theoretical and plastic thinking, combining these to the experimental side that meets the fragments of time rescued from various situations and experiences.





Interview with Fina Ferrara

Interview with Fina Ferrara

Interview with Chrice MAYOUMA

Interview with Chrice MAYOUMA