Logan Schneiderman

Logan Schneiderman


Logan is a self-taught artist and Jungian-oriented psychotherapist in California, USA. Raised in rural Indiana, much of her upbringing embraced the spaciousness and simplistic lifestyle the countryside had to offer. As such, the environment afforded Logan the capacity to steep in the sensorial and imaginal, and relish in the play, curiosity, and wonder of the everyday experiences of life and living.
From a young age Logan had immersed herself in various art practices; mainly performance-based.
Logan started painting in March 2021, and named her art studio “hello Fern” as an homage to her family’s childhood cat, Fern.
“Having my studio be named after my childhood cat that, most of the time, was incredibly stubborn but the unwilling participant to my imaginary play, reminds me not only of home and the ideas, feelings, and sentiments attached, but also of my psychic creative home and beginnings.”

Artist Statement

Inspired by elements of culture, nature, and psyche, I approach my work similar to that of a dream, or state of reverie. There is constant formation or potentiality; a dynamic interplay between subjectivity and intersubjectivity that I like to describe as “capturing that moment before something is realized; before meaning is tied and knotted.” With a purpose of exploring sensorial experiences, and surrendering to how they wish to be expressed, I blend memories, imagery, metaphors, movement, and emotions to form a symphony of texture, color, and shape. My art seeks to embody the essence of being human, while evoking something new, yet familiar.

Website www.hellofernart.com

Instagram https://www.instagram.com/hello.fern.art/

Remember?, acrylic and mixed media on canvas, 61 x 61 cm

Remember?, acrylic and mixed media on canvas, 61 x 61 cm

Waterfalls, acrylic and mixed media on canvas, 30x40 cm

Waterfalls, acrylic and mixed media on canvas, 30x40 cm

Still Rise, acrylic and mixed media on canvas, 41x51 cm

Still Rise, acrylic and mixed media on canvas, 41x51 cm

Echoes of Light, acrylic and mixed media on matboard, 41x51 cm

Echoes of Light, acrylic and mixed media on matboard, 41x51 cm

Growing Pains, acrylic and mixed media on canvas, 51x51 cm

Growing Pains, acrylic and mixed media on canvas, 51x51 cm

Looking for Edges, acrylic and mixed media on matboard, 41x51 cm

Looking for Edges, acrylic and mixed media on matboard, 41x51 cm

Red Hot Summer, acrylic and mixed media on canvas, 41x51 cm

Red Hot Summer, acrylic and mixed media on canvas, 41x51 cm

Marion Gunesch

Marion Gunesch

Robert van de Graaf

Robert van de Graaf